Tuesday 24 November 2015

Visualizing Your Future

Visualizing Your Future

As we wrap up January, it’s a nice time to be present to what we want in this year and in our lives. We’ve gone over our “resolutions,” discussed finding our true selves, and what it takes to find real happiness. Now that we know what we want, it’s important to visualize this coming to fruition in our lives. If we don’t know what it will look like, and what form it will take, how will we know if we’re on the right track? So, at the end of this month, check in with yourself and see how you feel about the shifts you’ve made within yourself. Can you notice a difference in your day-to-day life? If you’re riding the positive train on all the improvements made, let’s ensure you continue these healthy patterns with some final tips on making this new year the best yet.
1- Make a Vision Board.  Sometimes when we put things on paper, and can actually “visualize” it, it helps keep us focused and clear on what we really want. If you’re looking to be more consistent with your meditation practice put something on your board that can remind you of that. If you want to save money for an awesome tropical vacation, throw it on the board. It’s a fun, crafty activity and can help you remember the things you want this year.
2- Be Specific.  Try not to be too vague when making goals, otherwise it’s easy for them to fall through the cracks.
3- Take Baby Steps.  Just because you haven’t completed everything you wanted to in one month does not make you a failure. Take each task one at a time and be present with your work.
4- Have Support.  Talk to someone close to you who you can really trust and be buddies, lovingly reminding one another of your goals.
5- Be Realistic. Choose goals that are feasible at this period of time.  Again, this comes back to being specific. If you say this year you want to go out and save the world, it might be a little bit difficult in one year’s time. However, it’s a wonderful intention, so start small, and come from a place of love and inspire those in your closest community. One spark can light up the whole world.
So, how does 2013 look for you? Have you come up with some positive shifts you’d like to make in the next 12 months? How will you stick with it?  Let us know!

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