Tuesday 27 November 2018


Self- Discipline

Self-discipline is one of the most important and useful skills everyone should possess. This skill is essential in every area of life, and though most people acknowledge its importance, very few do something to strengthen it.
Contrary to common belief, self-discipline does not mean being harsh toward yourself, or living a limited, restrictive lifestyle. Self discipline means self control, which is a sign of inner strength and control of yourself, your actions, and your reactions.
Self discipline gives you the power to stick to your decisions and follow them through, without changing your mind, and is therefore, one of the important requirements for achieving goals.
The possession of this skill enables you to persevere with your decisions and plans until you accomplish them. It also manifests as inner strength, helping you to overcome addictions, procrastination and laziness, and to follow through with whatever you do.
One of its main characteristics is the ability to reject instant gratification and pleasure, in favor of some greater gain, which requires spending effort and time to get it.
Self discipline is one of the important ingredients of success. It expresses itself in a variety of ways:
·         Perseverance.
·         The ability not to give up, despite failure and setbacks.
·         self control.
·         The ability to resist distractions or temptations.
·         Trying over and again, until you accomplish what you set out to do.
Life puts challenges and problems on the path to success and achievement, and in order to rise above them, you have to act with perseverance and persistence, and this of course, requires self-discipline.
The possession of this skill leads to self-confidence and self esteem, and consequently, to happiness and satisfaction.
On the other hand, lack of self discipline leads to failure, loss, health and relationships' problems, obesity, and to other problems.
This skill is also useful for overcoming eating disorders, addictions, smoking, drinking and negative habits. You also need it to make yourself sit and study, exercise your body, develop new skills, and for self improvement, spiritual growth and meditation.
As said earlier, most people acknowledge the importance and benefits of self discipline, but very few take real steps to develop and strengthen it. However, you can strengthen this ability like any other skill.
Self Discipline Benefits and Importance
Self-discipline helps you:
·         Avoid acting rashly and on impulse.
·         Fulfill promises you make to yourself and to others.
·         Overcome laziness and procrastination.
·         Continue working on a project, even after the initial rush of enthusiasm has faded away.
·         Go to the gym, walk or swim, even if your mind tells you to stay at home and watch TV.
·         Continue working on your diet, and resisting the temptation of eating fattening foods.
·         Wake up early in the morning.
·         Overcome the habit of watching too much TV.
·         Start reading a book, and read it to the last page.
·         Meditate regularly.
It will be easier for you to strengthen your self discipline, if you:
1.   Understand its importance in your life.
2.   Become aware of your undisciplined behavior and its consequences. When this awareness increases, you will be more convinced of the need to make a change in your life.
3.   Make the effort to act and behave according to the decisions you make, regardless of laziness, the tendency to procrastinate, or the desire to give up and stop what you are doing.
4.   You can strengthen your self disciple, even if it is currently weak, with the help of special simple exercises, which you can practice at any time or place.

An Attitude of Boldness



Cultivate an Attitude of Boldness:

You will always encounter obstacles in your life. Your Attitude Will Determine How Bad You Want ItBeing bold is not something that you can “pull out of a hat” when you’re giving a presentation or speech. You need to develop an attitude of speaking out in your day to day life. Otherwise you won’t develop the courage to be bold in your presentations. Practice saying what’s on your mind when you’re with just one other person or a small group.
I’ve found blogging to be extremely useful in helping me be bold. Some posts I’ve written have taken me some time to publish because of my fear, but having done so I’m bolder. Here are some thoughts to help you develop an attitude of boldness in everyday life.

1. Stop being nice

What stops me being bold is that I want to be liked, I want to be nice. I don’t want to have to deal with anyone being upset or offended by what I’ve said. It’s worked for me in many ways, but it holds me back too. I keep this quote on a post-it above my desk:

2. Saying what you think enhances your career

Do you hold back saying what you think because you want to make sure that everything you say makes perfect sense and is supported by evidence? Me too. 

3. Not saying what you think annoys people

I’ve sometimes held back on saying what I think fearing that it will upset people. Then the situation deteriorates and I end of saying what I think, only to be told “Why you didn’t tell me that earlier?”

4. Your ideas can help other people

Do you think your ideas are not worth sharing, that they’re obvious. 

5. What’s the worst that can happen

Sometimes when I want to say something bold, I stay silent because I just imagine a nameless disaster. But if I think it through  and ask myself “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” then I realise that the worst that will happen is that the person I’m speaking to might be upset for a day. Can I handle that? Yes, I can! And then often they don’t even get upset for five minutes. They just thank me for being straight! Often the consequences that we fear from being bold don’t materialise.

Intuitive Personality

 Intuitive Personality

Those with an intuitive personality are often misunderstood. We think and act differently to our family and friends which can be frustrating for both sides.

It is natural for humans to want to be understood. In fact, it is one of our deepest desires. That is why we look for a soul mate. We are searching for someone who ‘gets’ us. For those with an intuitive personality, this can be frustrating. We think so differently to many people around us. Our family and friends may struggle to understand us. This can make us feel isolated and alone and as if we will never really fit in.
There are many reasons why people find it hard to understand intuitive personalities, but I have listed below some of the most common ones. If you recognize yourself in them, you certainly have an intuitive personality.

1. You never just accept something at face value

When someone tells you something as fact, you will rarely just accept it, especially if it doesn’t fit in with the way you see the world. As an intuitive, you will want to explore this new information and look for examples, evidence, and personal resonances. However, you will not dismiss the information either. You always strive to remain open-minded.

2. You feel on the edge of society

Because of you unconventional way of thinking, it can be hard for you to find a place to fit in. You find the conventional beliefs and values of mainstream society confusing. You identify better with those on the fringes of society, the ones that conventional folk think are a bit weird or eccentric. Because you have to spend time with family, friends, and colleagues who don’t understand you this can be hard.

3. You can always see another side to the story

Your intuitive personality helps you to understand things from other people’s point of view. You understand that nothing is ever black or white. Because of your intuition and empathy, you prefer not to judge others – after all, you haven’t had their life experiences so you can’t know why they behave the way they do.
Your motto might be the Native American proverb: ‘Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins.’

4. You have a broad range of interests

Having an intuitive personality means you are interested in a variety of things. You love the strangeness of life, mysteries and the unknown. You would find life boring if you had all the answers, but you love to learn more and develop.
Others can’t always understand your drive to learn and your constant curiosity. There are a few things that you are simply not interested in, though. You aren’t competitive and don’t seek power over others. You are not overly materialistic and value relationships and experiences more than wealth and material possessions.

5. Your idea of success is different from others

Your idea of success is to have made a positive difference. You would like to be remembered for helping people or making the world a better place. You probably value love, kindness, creativity, and compassion. Conventional success such as pay raises and promotions, fancy cars and big houses hold no appeal for you.

6You often mistrust authority

As an intuitive, you can easily see where authorities such as governments are letting people down. Because there is so much inequality and corruption in modern life, you have lost faith in authority figures.
You can’t bear to watch media stories full of negativity and fear because they make you despair of the world. You wonder how the unethical billionaires and politician’s sleep at night!
Above all, you just can’t understand why there is violence and hate between people.

7. You over think things

As an intuitive living in a far from perfect world, you may be prone to anxiety, worry, and depression. This is because you feel the pain of others so deeply. You would love for people and all living things to live in peace and harmony. Others think you are naïve, but you can’t understand why peace is so hard to create.
You also have a tendency to over think things. Because there are so many sides to every story and no clear path to follow, you find it hard to make decisions sometimes.

Closing thoughts

Having an intuitive personality can make life hard. It often leads to us feeling misunderstood and sidelined. However, there are many benefits to your sensitive and kind soul. You should celebrate this aspect of your personality and learn to love yourself just the way you are.
If you don’t fit into conventional society, try not to worry. There are lots of other folk out there who think in a similar way to you so seek them out and find your tribe.



            Honesty is the best policy means being honest and true all through the life even in bad situations is considered as honesty is the best policy. According to the saying of honesty is the best policy, one should be loyal and tell the truth always in his/her life while answering to any question or dilemma to anyone. Being honest, loyal and true in the life provides mental peace to the person. An honest person becomes always happy and peaceful because he/she does not have to live with the guilt. Being honest with everyone in our life help us to get mind peace because we do not have to remember the lie which we have told to people in order to save us.
 Honesty is the best policy test on brown envelope

Honesty is when you speak the truth and act truthfully.
           What is honesty? Many children think honesty means you "don't tell a lie"-- and that is definitely part of being honest. But honesty means more than not lying. A more complete definition of honesty shows that an honest person doesn't do things that are morally wrong. If something you do is breaking the law or if you have to hide what you are doing because you'll get in trouble, you are probably not being honest. So honesty is about speaking and acting truthfully. Let's look at what each type of honesty is.
What is honesty? – the first part of honesty is about what you say
            Honesty is speaking the truth. Saying things that aren't true, or that you think might not be true, or that you are making up to hide the truth are all types of lies. Lying is not honest (also called being dishonest) because you are saying something that isn't true.

Examples of what speaking the honest truth means: 
·                  Honesty means you don't say things about people that aren't true. You are not being honest if you make up rumors about someone or if you share rumors someone else made up.
·               Being honest means you admit to your actions, even if you'll get in trouble. You are not being honest if you deny you did something wrong when you really did it.
·               Honesty means you explain how a situation really happened. You are not being honest if you say something happened one way when it really happened another way.
What is honesty? Honesty is in how you act
       When you do something you know is morally wrong, or when you have to hide your actions because you know they are wrong, you are not being honest. Being honest means you act in a way that you know is the right thing to do.
       This part of the definition of honesty includes not hiding the truth (deceiving), not breaking rules to gain an advantage (cheating), and not taking something that isn't yours (stealing) and any other action that you would hide because it is against what you consider morally right. 
What is being honest with yourself?
          A big part of honesty is what you say and how you act toward others. But another part of the definition of honesty is whether you treat yourself the same way. Being honest with yourself means you really know why you are acting in a certain way or whether what you tell yourself is true.
This part of the definition of honesty includes: 
         You are not being honest with yourself if you are trying to convince yourself you didn't really do something wrong, or it wasn't that bad, even though you really did it.

“A conscience is that voice in your head, and that feeling in your heart, that tells you if something is right or wrong, even when no one is looking”